Rashmi at University of Moratuwa

Hi, I'm Rashmi Sandamini

[ラシュミ サダミ二]

A final year undergraduate at University of Moratuwa.

I'm passionate about technology and its impact on society and am constantly exploring new opportunities to learn and grow in this rapidly evolving field.


Doxmate - Document Management System

Doxmate - Document Management System

Internship Project

Doxmate Product is a Document Management System which I contributed to during my internship at Epic Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.This product is intended to completely transform how companies manage workflows and documents by automating and digitizing manual processes in the business world.
My contribution to Doxmate included developing report module, metadata module, user role mapping module in the revamp and developing different features in the email service.

Technologies: Angular, Spring Boot, MySQL, Jasper iReport

Studify - Study Tracking Application

Studify - Study Tracking Application

Innovate with Ballerina Competition 2024 - Group

Studify was created specifically for schoolchildren to assist them in setting and successfully completing their learning objectives. It enables students to record study hours, create weekly objectives for every topic, and monitor lesson completion. A circular progress bar shows each subject's progress and provides a clear picture of how near they are to achieving their objectives. Students can also mark lessons as studied, which facilitates progress tracking. Furthermore, students can add classmates and see whether a friend meets their weekly study target for a particular subject.
I was responsible for user interface development.

Technologies: React, Ballerina, MongoDB

Supermarket Management System

Supermarket Management System

Project Based on Microservices 2023 - Group

This was a small system designed for a supermarket using microservices. The system allows customers to register, sign up, and make purchases. The inventory keeper can add items to the inventory and process orders placed by customers, delete and also update products. The system is built with a microservices architecture and includes four services (servers) that connect to an API gateway. These services are the Identity Management Service, User Management Service, Order Management Service, and Inventory Management Service.
I was responsible for the User Management and Identity Management services to implement user auth.

Technologies: Spring Boot, MongoDB

Relax Wiki

Relax Wiki

Second Year Software Project 2023 - Group

Relax Wiki is a tourist guiding web application that enables tourists to view details and rates of hotels, restaurants, rental vehicles and entertainment activities. It also enables them to register and login in the system and reserve hotels, restaurants, rental vehicles or entertainment activities.
My contribution to this project included implementing essential features including login, signup, hotel listing, restaurant listing and activity center listing functionalities.

Technologies: Angular, Spring Boot, MySQL

Object Detection Line Following Smart Toy Car

Object Detection Line Following Smart Toy Car

First Year Hardware Project 2022 - Group

This project was an automated and multi-functional toy car that can be used as an entertainment medium for childern.
This toy car follows a black line on a white surface using IR sensors and moves via four servo motors controlled by a motor driver, with LEDs indicating turning directions. An ultrasonic sensor detects obstacles on the line, stopping the car and triggering a buzzer until the path is cleared, after which it resumes. It can also function as a remote-controlled car via a mobile phone using a Bluetooth module.
My contribution to the smart toy car included implementing the Bluetooth functionality which enabled remote control of the car through a mobile phone using HC-05 Bluetooth module.

Technologies: C, AVR Microcontroller (ATmega32), Atmel Studio



Web Technologies and Multimedia Assignment 2022 - Individual

Simple UI designs built using HTML and CSS (without any CSS libraries) for a website that showcases different aspects of agriculture. This was my first attempt at creating a website, designed as a part of an assignment for a course module.

Technologies: HTML, CSS


  • 2022 - 2025

    University of Moratuwa

    B.Sc. (Hons) in Information Technology and Management

  • 2017 - 2019

    Visakha Vidyalya - Colombo

    G.C.E Advanced Level

    3 A Passes

    Economics | Business Statistics | Japanese Language

  • 2011 - 2016

    Mahinda Rajapaksha College - Homagama

    G.C.E Ordinary Level

    8As 1B

  • 2006 - 2010

    Siri Piyarathana Junior School - Padukka


Thank You for Visiting!

If you’re curious about working together, or just want to share your thoughts, I’m always open to a conversation!